Projects: Business Consulting
Building Smart - National Science Foundation Grant Writing and Management
Berghorn Group Principal George Berghorn wrote and successfully received a $727,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop and implement the Building Smart project. Building Smart was a secondary and post-secondary educational initiative to integrate STEM education into traditionally career and technical education fields, to include construction technology, HVAC, and facility management. The program included partnerships with high schools, other colleges and universities, and representatives of the construction, engineering, commissioning, and HVAC industries. The successful writing of this grant led to the appointment of Dr. Berghorn to several National Science Foundation proposal review panels. Smart Grid Training - Grant Writing and Management
Berghorn Group Principal George Berghorn wrote and successfully received over $950,000 in grant funds to support expansion of the Great Lakes Center for Utility Training. Funds were received from the State of Michigan, as a pass-through for U.S. Department of Energy funds. The resulting grant-funded project supported expanded cohorts of students in electrical lineworker training programs and accelerated their entry into the statewide hiring pool for a major utility company. *Note: Some projects depicted on these pages were completed by the Berghorn Group team during previous employment with other organizations, but represent the capabilities and experience of Berghorn Group in each service area.